Jérôme Astorg / Osteopath

Jerome Astorg your Osteopath

Graduated from the Béziers school after 5 years of study, approved by the Ministry of Health since 2017.
University degree in Physiotherapy at the Free University of Brussels in 1999.

What is Osteopathy ?

It is a therapeutic method that can restore mobility to a joint, flexibility to a muscle, while taking into account the entire human body.

Why consult an Osteopath?

In adults and seniors:
* Back pain
* Torticollis
* Sinusitis
* Sciatica, cervico-brachial neuralgia
* Lumbagos, backache
* Certain digestive disorders (gastro-oesophageal reflux)
* Sprains
* Some vertigo
* Some tinnitus
* Headache (tension headaches, Arnold neuralgia).

In babies :

* Congenital torticollis
* Skull "deformed" (plagiocephaly)
* Sleeping troubles
* Sucking disorders
* Regurgitation
* Crying, crying irritability

Conduct of a session

After having discussed your symptoms (appearance of pain ...), thanks to specific palpation tests, I can determine the areas of the body with mobility restrictions that can lead to blockages and pain.
This will allow me to set up the most appropriate osteopathic treatment (with soft, structural techniques "to crack").

About structural techniques, it is first of all to respect articular axes in order to relax the muscles so that the joint returns to a physiological position in a painless way.

I consider osteopathy as a technique in its own right, but it can in no way substitute for medical advice, if during the diagnosis, any additional examinations prove to be indispensable.


From 30 to 60 €

Osteopathy sessions are not reimbursed by social security. They are partially or totally by some mutuals. An invoice will be issued at the end of the consultation.

Some questions ?

1- Does osteopathy hurt?
The manipulations performed on a correctly performed joint are painless. Some ligament or muscle treatments can be a bit sensitive.

2- Why are we stuck?
A trauma or a bad gesture can explain an articular blocking as well as painful muscle contractions which follow it. But an embarrassment located at the end of the body can lead to adaptations, compensations that will generate over time restrictions of mobility or blockages.

Finally, do not hesitate to contact me, I will make myself available to answer all your questions or questions.

Contact 06 15 74 30 77 or:

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