Virginie Mendes Senon / Ericksonian Hypnosis

Virginie Mendes Senon,

Practitioner in Ericksonian hypnosis and solution-oriented hypnosis Virginie MENDES SENON offers a session of humanistic therapeutic hypnosis adapted to each individual. The goal is defined together.
Virginie shapes her session according to you, to direct her towards a real work in common, adapted to each person. Her role is that of a true companion to allow you to access your tank of
unconscious resources. Each individual has the necessary resources: you just have to find the way to get there.


It is a modified state of consciousness.
According to Jean Godin (psychiatrist, psychotherapist)
"your brain works like a computer, you can learn to put certain aspects of yourself in brackets and, in particular, to unplug from your environment, so your energy is totally used for indoor work ...
It can start programs on the screen that is your conscious.

We all do hypnosis without knowing it: when we drive on the highway, we suddenly ask ourselves "would not I have missed the exit?" It is a state of hyper-concentration, we do not sleep.

Ericksonian hypnosis

It is a therapeutic, humanistic hypnosis that allows access to your reservoir of unconscious resources.
It's a individualized approach.
There is no nothing imposed.
We define together the therapeutic goal: it is a collaboration.
"A human being has all the resources to live, as he wants to live, to feel like he wants to feel, hypnosis allows him to draw on his resources, his mechanisms to adjust, strengthen and live" . Mr. H. Erickson.

Solution-Oriented Therapy

It is a state of mind that focuses on finding or creating solutions rather than solving problems.
Each individual has the necessary resources, just find the way or the key.


50 € The session


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